Went out for a endurance ride on Saturday. Road to Theodore Wirth trails, 2 laps, then back home. Total mileage is just over 30. Total time is probably 2 hours and 15 minutes. Legs were tight from 3 mile run on Thursday.
I picked up a pair of leg warmers this week after last weekend's ride. Andy and I did some hills in the cold, and it really put some pressure on my ligaments and tendons. I used the leg warmers yesterday, keeping the legs warm for the entire ride. I found the warmers at REI on clearance ($25 for thermafleece PI leg warmers).
I have been looking a getting a new bike for next season, but have been a little reluctant to put down the cash. The main focus has been a Niner E.M.D., but recently I have been looking at the Niner S.I.R. My shift to the SIR is based on two thoughts: first, I want to have the ability to setup the bike as a single speed, and second, I have always wanted to try a steel frame. The obvious downside is the fact that the SIR is heavier than the EMD, and the cost is that much higher. The internal debate continues...
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