Being that it was Father's Day weekend, I had a lot of play time allotted to me. On Friday, we had our first lacrosse practice and scrimmage for Geezlax. It was a great time. I played middie, so I got a good deal of running in. After lacrosse, I went for a quick 15 mile ride on the road. Suffice to say, I was spent that evening.
Saturday was lacrosse pictures for the boys and a graduation party. I was feeling a little pain from the field running, so it was a good opportunity to rest. I also picked up a roof rack (Yakima) for the car, so I spent a portion of the day setting it up.
Sunday was the perfect Father's Day. Jenny made a big breakfast, and I opened some gifts from the kids. I did some lifting (kettle bell) in the morning and we went on a family bike ride. In the afternoon, we grabbed some Chipolte and came home and had a water balloon fight. We like to buy the full size balloons and see how big we can make the balloons. Asher made one that probably had 3 gallons of water in it.
To top off the perfect weekend, I headed down to Lebanon Hills for some mountain biking. Andy joined me for the ride, and we had a great time. It was the first time for me to get down there this year and the trail was in prime condition. We rode a total of 17 miles. Andy kept me honest on the second lap, and made me finish fast.
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