After quite a bit of messing around, I finally came up with a solution for testing the two motors for the super-Stryker. I actually had to do some machining to make the Custom RC Parts mounts to fit the Turnigy motors. I was then able to bolt the two mounts to a ¾” piece of pine I use as a hobby cutting board. With the motors securely attached to board, I could run through the different setups I wanted to test.
First off, the motors I tested:
• Turnigy 2836 – 3200kV outrunner with shaft mount
• Turnigy 3648 – 1450kV outrunner with shaft mount
The ESC I decided to run is a Castle Creations ICE 100 amps BESC. I also picked up an 85 amps Turnigy as backup. After some initial range finding, I determined that only 2 batteries were able to deliver the amount of power needed to break the 100MPH mark. The two batteries tested were:
• 5 cell, 2200 mAh, 40C (85 amps continuous)
• 4 cell, 2650 mAh, 40C (106 amps continuous)
The test consisted of running the motor at WOT for ~20 seconds. During the run, Vmax, Imax, and Watts were recorded using a Turnigy watt meter. The results are as follows:
Prop / Motor / Batt Vmax / RPM Imax Watts Prop Speed (RPM*pitch in.*.00095)
8x4 / 36mm / 5S 16.2 / 23490 87 1428 89 MPH
8x6 / 36mm / 5S 16.5 / 23925 83 (70% WOT) 1373 136 MPH
8x6 / 36mm / 4S 13.1 / 18995 86 1163 108 MPH
4.75x4.75 / 28mm/4S 13.5 / 43200 72 1008 195 MPH
4.1x4.1 / 28mm / 5S 17 / 54400 66 1150 212 MPH
4.75x4.75 / 28mm / 5S 16.6 / 53120 97 1647 239 MPH
This is merely a sampling of the best runs, and I may look into trying a 7” prop on the 36mm motor. Let’s just say, I am not going to publicize my final choice until race day. I want to keep some of the suspense for my competitor.
On a side note, the Turnigy 28mm motor is one tuff cookie. It got pretty hot with that 97 amp run, but never blew a coil or smoked itself. That might be an inkle to where I am headed with the build…
97 amps? Wow... I may have to pick it up a little! Were you wearing ear plugs?
ReplyDeleteEar plugs are a must. Your ears will bleed without them.