Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hot Glassed Stryker

I finished the fiberglass reinforcement of the Stryker airframe. I have to say that I am very happy with the final product. As described in my previous post, I used a 3/4 ounce glass fiber fabric along with a waterborne polyurethane. The first coating was watered down to saturate the fabric, while keeping the urethane from drying too quickly. I then added a second coat of WBPU mixed with baby powder (talc). I have read that by mixing the talc with the WBPU you fill the voids in the fiber resulting in a smooth - light weight finish. After the second coating I sanded the surface smooth. The texture of the fabric was beginning to dissappear. I recoated and sanded 2 more times for a total of 4 light coats. The resultant frame is solid and extremely smooth. Here is a closeup along with some of the other pictures I promised.

Final surface ready for paint.

Shaping the foam

Foam cutting for spar

Spar gluing

Filling post shaping

Filling elevon tabs

Glassing bottom


  1. Are you going to try painting it with regular spraypaint? I'd guess that the PU / fiberglass layer would protect the foam from the solvents in the paint. I've not been very satisfied with the Krylon H20.

  2. I will be painting with regular paint. I haven't seen any melt with the z-foam. It is a bigger issue with the styrene (bluecore).

    I need to weigh it, but it is minimal (2 oz?)
